Seek Immediate Medical Assistance to Protect Your Sight
If you notice sudden reduced vision, lots of flashes or floaters, eye redness, discharge, or pain, have your eyes examined immediately by credentialed and experienced eye care providers.
At Foresee Eyecare, our doctors can handle all nonsurgical emergency eye care and can arrange for proper care if needed. We are established and well known by local walk-in clinics and healthcare teams and will do whatever we can to accommodate and treat patients (referred or not) as soon as possible.
Any eye emergency can seriously damage your visual health—it’s often vital that you seek medical attention immediately to protect your vision. Contact us at 289-553-3937 for urgent concerns or request an appointment online for follow-up care.

How Can You Tell If It’s An Eye Emergency?
If you’re dealing with an urgent eye concern like an injury, trauma, or sudden visual symptoms like vision loss or severe eye pain, please contact us. We’re here to help you figure out the next steps. Whether it’s coming in immediately, going to an urgent care center, or scheduling a regular eye exam, we’ll guide you in the right direction. If it matters to you, it matters to us.
Just give us a call at 289-553-3937.
What Are Common Types of Eye Emergencies?
Here are a few of the most common types of eye emergencies and some recommendations on how to handle them.
Cut or Scratch on the Eye (Corneal Abrasion)
A corneal abrasion is caused by something getting in your eye that shouldn’t be there—for example, getting poked in the eye or having a speck of dust or sand scratch the eye’s surface. If you experience redness, discomfort, or light sensitivity from a corneal abrasion, seek immediate treatment.
Do not touch or rub your eye. Also, avoid covering it with a dark patch—bacteria can get into your scratch and grow in dark, warm places.
Blunt Force Trauma to the Eye or Head
If you are in a serious accident or sustain a blow to the eye, you could develop eye inflammation, internal bleeding, bruising, fractures, or cracks in the bones surrounding the eye.
If you are hit with something, fall, or otherwise have any kind of blunt force trauma to the eye or head, you require immediate medical attention.
Eye Contact with Chemicals
Chemical injuries don’t happen exclusively in a science lab. Many cleaning products, beauty products, and aerosols are made with chemicals that can cause eye damage. While you’re handling chemicals, always use protective safety eyewear.
If you splash chemicals in your eye, rub your eyes after handling chemicals, or get sprayed, rinse your eyes under tepid water for about 15 minutes to flush out the chemicals. Then, contact your eye doctor or head to the nearest emergency room.
Retinal Tears or Detachment
As the name suggests, retinal detachment happens when the retina at the back of the eye departs from its normal position. It may be a slight tear or a complete detachment.
You may not experience immediate pain, but the warning signs can indicate that you need medical attention. If retinal detachment goes untreated, it could lead to total vision loss.
You may experience:
- Sudden appearance of many floaters & flashes
- Blurred vision
- Reduced peripheral vision
- A dark shadow over your visual field

We Can Help Take Care of Your Eyes
You don’t need to be a hero when it comes to eye emergencies. They are serious and should be treated as such. Prevent further or permanent damage during an eye emergency and seek immediate medical help.
Our Brands

- Anne & Valentin
- Blackfin
- Carrera
- Dior
- Fendi
- Etnia Barcelona
- Kliik
- Lindberg
- ic Berlin
- Maui Jim

- Nano
- Prada
- Saint Laurent
- Ray-Ban
- Starck
- Silhouette
- Tom Ford
- Tiffany
- Tomato Glasses

Visit Our Location
Our office can be found off of Major MacKenzie Drive West in the same plaza as the Medical Centre and Tim Hortons. The location of our office is 965 Major Mackenzie Dr. West, Units 3 & 4.
Hours of Operation
Our Address
- 965 Major Mackenzie Dr. West, Units 3 & 4
- Vaughan, ON L6A 4P8
Contact Information
- Phone: 289-553-EYES (3937)
- Fax: 289-553-3939
*Friday by appointment only.
**We are closed on the Saturdays of long weekends and holidays.