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What’s the Difference Between Myopia and Astigmatism?

A young child covers one eye with their hand during a visual acuity test. To their left is a blurry Snellen Eye Chart.

Have you found yourself squinting to make sense of distant objects or struggling to read signs at a distance? Vision problems can be frustrating, affecting everything from work to simple leisure activities. Two common vision conditions that impact how we see are myopia and astigmatism.  The biggest difference between myopia and astigmatism is that myopia […]

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Should Dry Eye Drops Sting?

A close up of a person's stinging, red eyes.

Dry eyes are an uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating condition that can disrupt daily life. Many people turn to over-the-counter or prescription eye drops for relief, but the experience of using these drops isn’t always smooth.  A common concern among users is whether dry eye drops should sting upon application. The short answer is that it […]

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Can Contacts Cause Dry Eye?

A concerned-looking individual holds a finger to their eye, red and irritated from wearing contact lenses

Wearing contact lenses can be liberating for those who prefer not to wear glasses. Unfortunately, wearing contact lenses can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms, as contacts reduce the amount of oxygen that the surface of the eye receives, thereby limiting your eyes’ ability to produce natural tears. The resulting irritation can counteract the many […]

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What is Myopia Control?

A child delicately holds black-framed glasses to their eyes.

Myopia control refers to specific treatments designed to slow the progression of nearsightedness.  Understanding myopia and its management is essential for protecting your vision and maintaining long-term eye health. In this blog, we’ll discuss all of this and more to help you decide whether myopia control is something you wish to explore with your eye […]

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Is Vision Therapy Covered by OHIP?

A child practices vision exercises during their vision therapy session.

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) covers a range of medical services that have been  deemed necessary. A small portion of this coverage includes vision care. Within this vision-care portion, vision therapy isn’t included. OHIP currently considers vision therapy to be more of a rehabilitative service, which is why this service isn’t covered by OHIP. […]

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Why Can’t You Wear Ortho-K Lenses with Your Eyes Open?

A teenager wearing a white t-shirt getting ready for bed prepares to put her ortho-k contacts in her eyes.

Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-k, is a special kind of contact lens that is used to reshape the cornea to temporarily improve a person’s vision. Ortho-k is usually used to treat myopia in children, but some adults benefit from Ortho-k treatment as well.   Optometrists typically recommend Ortho-k lenses to be worn when sleeping, but can […]

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Does Dry Eye Cause Cataracts?

An elderly woman wearing a white shirt rubs her dry eyes with both her hands in discomfort.

Dry eye is a common eye condition that affects as many as 30% of Canadians and is trending upwards. Some research has shown that many people with cataracts will also have dry eye. Does this mean that dry eye could be causing cataracts?  Luckily, the answer is no, dry eye does not cause cataracts. Cataracts […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Floaters?

Floaters overlaid over a photo of the sky and clouds.

Your eyes are crucial to your everyday life, and when something unusual develops, it’s natural to be worried. Floaters, those waving squiggly lines that drift throughout your vision, can sometimes be a sign that something’s wrong. So if you’ve ever experienced an increase in floaters alongside the burning sensations caused by dry eye, it’s normal […]

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Do Blue Light Glasses Help with Eye Strain?

Man rubbing his right eye.

Your eyes are vital to your everyday life, and when something unusual develops, it’s normal to be concerned. Many people spend long hours in front of screens, leading to digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. This condition can cause discomfort and affect your productivity. If you’ve ever experienced eye strain and wondered if blue […]

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Blepharitis vs Styes: What are the Differences?

A close-up of an eye with a stye.

When it comes to eye health, understanding the signs and distinctions between different conditions is crucial. Blepharitis and styes are two common eye issues often mistaken for one another due to their similar symptoms. Both can cause irritation, dry eyes, and pain.  Blepharitis is a condition caused by inflammation that causes redness, irritation, and crusty […]

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Visit Our Location

Our office can be found off of Major MacKenzie Drive West in the same plaza as the Medical Centre and Tim Hortons. The location of our office is 965 Major Mackenzie Dr. West, Units 3 & 4.

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 6:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 3:00 PM
10:00 AM 4:00 PM

Our Address

  • 965 Major Mackenzie Dr. West, Units 3 & 4
  • Vaughan, ON L6A 4P8

Contact Information

*Friday by appointment only.

**We are closed on the Saturdays of long weekends and holidays.

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